Viete aký je rozdiel medzi inžinierom, fyzikom a matematikom, v prípade, že spia v hoteli a na izbe začne horiet?

Inžinier: Zobudi sa, zistí, že horí, zoberie vedro, napustí do neho vodu, uhasí požiar a ide spať.

Fyzik: Zobudi sa, zistí, že horí, vypočítá, kolko bude potrebovať vody k uhaseniu, zistí, ze 4,3 litra, napustí do vedra 4,3 litra vody, uhasi požiar a ide spať.

Matematik: Zobudi sa, zistí, že horí, pustí vodu, zistí, že rešenie existuje, zatvorí vodu a ide spať.


And the English translation goes like this:

Do you know what is the difference between an engineer, a physicist and a mathematician staying in a hotel, when a fire starts in their room?

Engineer: Wakes up, finds out about the fire, picks up a bucket, fills it with water, puts out the fire, and goes back to sleep.

Physicist: Wakes up, finds out about the fire, calculates how much water is needed to put out the fire, finds out that it's 4.3 liter, pours 4.3 liter of water in the bucket, puts out the fire, and goes back to sleep.

Mathematician: Wakes up, finds out about the fire, opens the tap, finds that the water is running thus a solution exists, closes the tap, and goes back to sleep.