How the extended ASCII character set is displayed on the Web

The extended ASCII character (decimal codes 0 to 255) set is shown below twice in the areas delimited by vertical lines '|' on each side. On the left, no additional characters are present, on the right all the characters are interspersed with the Hygeia sign (⚕) to better visualize the behaviour of control characters and a few other characters that may be unprintable/unrepresentable in various encodings. In each case, the leftmost auxiliary column shows the decimal code of the first character in a row, and the topmost and bottommost rows indicate the last digit of the code of all characters in a column.
Try to view this page using different encodings (IBM850, ISO-8859-1, Windows-1251, KOI8-R, etc.).
See notes at the end.
  0 |	|
 10 |
 20 ||
 30 | !"#$%&'|
 40 |()*+,-./01|
 50 |23456789:;|
 60 |<=>?@ABCDE|
 90 |Z[\]^_`abc|
100 |defghijklm|
110 |nopqrstuvw|
120 |xyz{|}~|
130 ||
140 ||
150 ||
160 ||
170 ||
180 ||
190 ||
200 ||
210 ||
220 ||
230 ||
240 ||
250 ||
  0 |⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕	|
 10 |
⚕⚕⚕
 20 |⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕|
 30 |⚕⚕ ⚕!⚕"⚕#⚕$⚕%⚕&⚕'|
 40 |(⚕)⚕*⚕+⚕,⚕-⚕.⚕/⚕0⚕1|
 50 |2⚕3⚕4⚕5⚕6⚕7⚕8⚕9⚕:⚕;|
 60 |<⚕=⚕>⚕?⚕@⚕A⚕B⚕C⚕D⚕E|
 70 |F⚕G⚕H⚕I⚕J⚕K⚕L⚕M⚕N⚕O|
 80 |P⚕Q⚕R⚕S⚕T⚕U⚕V⚕W⚕X⚕Y|
 90 |Z⚕[⚕\⚕]⚕^⚕_⚕`⚕a⚕b⚕c|
100 |d⚕e⚕f⚕g⚕h⚕i⚕j⚕k⚕l⚕m|
110 |n⚕o⚕p⚕q⚕r⚕s⚕t⚕u⚕v⚕w|
120 |x⚕y⚕z⚕{⚕|⚕}⚕~⚕⚕⚕|
130 |⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕|
140 |⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕|
150 |⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕|
160 |⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕|
170 |⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕|
180 |⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕|
190 |⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕|
200 |⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕|
210 |⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕|
220 |⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕|
230 |⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕|
240 |⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕|
250 |⚕⚕⚕⚕⚕|
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Note that characters 9 (horizontal tab), 10 (newline), 13 (carriage return) and in some browsers also 11 (vertical tab) actually perform their functions. Depending on the operating system and the browser, carriage return (13) may have the same effect as newline (10), i.e., cause the following character to be printed at the very beginning of the next line, or it may act as the true carriage return, i.e., position the next character at the beginning of the same line, and thus some characters would be "overprinted".
Control characters (0 to 31, and 127) are usually not rendered at all (resulting in adjacent ⚕⚕ on the right) but sometimes or some of them are rendered as space or as an unprintable character symbol (rectangular box). Similarly for a few other unprintable characters in some encodings (also a question mark on black background can be used in their place).
(You can save this page and check that all the characters from 0 to 255 are really present.)