Churchill and coming there

July 10, 1999

View from the Thompson to Churchill train at 5:15 am just minuts after the sunrise. Only a three hour drive remained to Churchill, but trees were still around at that place. Note a long-ago abondoned phone pole, or rather a tripod (apparently to have a better stability on the permafrost), with transparent glass insulators on top. Such tripods still line the whole length of the railway there.

But soon after that the landscape started to change into a treeless tundra dotted by lakes and swamps

Originally an Anglican, now a multiconfessional, church brought to Churchill dissembled from England more than 100 years ago. Proud especially of the stained-glass window on the right.

Here my daughter Eva is studying the bright orange lichens on the rocks near the mouth of the Churchill River. Hudson Bay is in the background.

A wreckage of a cargo plane that crashed here, just north of the Churchill airport, shortly after take-off many years ago. It was loaded with supplies for the isolated communities on the Hudson Bay shores. Again, Hudson Bay is visible in the background.