Visit to Quadra Island after a record snowfall, January 7, 2022

It just happened that I got there during what was probably an all-time record snowfall in the Northern Vancouver Island area, where there is not much snow clearing equipment available, as it is rarely needed. The sidewalks in Campbell River were covered by lots of snow, with just narrow paths broken in it by a few pedestrians in some places, but most people were sitting at home waiting for the snow to melt. Few stores and restaurants were open. Beaches on Quadra Island were cleared by high tide, and so hiking on them was as good as in the summer. Everything else (hills, trees, ships) was covered by fluffy snow glittering in the sunshine, which provided for many beautiful, unusual views during my hike from Campbell River, by ferry to Quathiaski Cove, and then around a large part of the southern Quadra Island:

Here is the view of the Quadra Island from a Campbell River motel in the morning before my hike:

And finally the view of Campbell River from near the Tsa-kwa-luten campground on the Quadra island:

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